AI in digital ads offers businesses cost-effective marketing solutions, benefiting both businesses and their people.
With the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the marketing territory, many have expressed their ill feelings toward this lead-in, especially regarding what it means for the security of jobs. Companies would no longer find it necessary to hire people to develop and produce thousand-word articles and associated images at the high prices they once commanded, as AI can now do so quickly and cost-effectively. Concerns about AI in this context are valid. Did you know that there’s a better use for this technological development sans the worry over replacing people? AI in digital ads.
Its integration is one of the most cost-effective digital marketing solutions for small business with limited manpower, all the while introducing more value than harm to both businesses and its employees. Businesses – big and small – can use AI to implement digital ads for better outcomes here.
The Available Applications of AI in Digital Ads Today
Digital marketing in the Philippines continues to evolve daily – innovations to reach a wider audience, more attention-catching materials for a shot at virality, and improved process flow for overall higher sales. AI, in general, might have mixed reactions (and will likely continue to do so). Still, there are ways it helps in implementing digitals ads without overstepping the tech-human boundaries, and here are some of them:
Audience Targeting

No matter how huge your budget is for your ads, if you’re not targeting the “correct” people, then it’s good to waste money. Beyond manually funneling down your audience, though, AI can now do it for your business in a swift. What AI does is it collects huge datasets, analyzes these, and then segments audiences into tight-knit clusters. Without sweat, companies can select the groups of people they want to target and reach the right people.
Personalization of Customer Experience
You will see the value of your own social media platforms’ customized experience when you try to scroll through another person’s accounts and find that their feed does not necessarily interest you. It is about personalization, wherein AI throws content your way based on your digital behavior. And since these depend on your interests, you are more likely to engage with them.
Automatic A/B Testing
For a refresher, A/B testing in digital marketing involves trying two ads or campaigns at once and comparing their results to see which is the superior one. With AI in the process flow, a marketer would have to spend less time gathering and analyzing data because AI can do it independently – maybe even better. It can provide a more specific analysis that would afford anyone to take the proper steps toward success.
Gone are the days – at least, for the most part – when you have to wait a long time before anybody responds to your inquiry via social media. Because with the help of chatbots, customers are not left hanging. They can hold the attention of a possible customer by instantly giving them the answers to basic questions until an actual person speaks to them for a better customer experience.
Data Analysis

Running ads is just the beginning. It’s equally important to monitor their performance and make improvements as needed. Fortunately, AI-powered platforms now offer robust data analysis tools, making it easier for digital marketers to optimize their campaigns. Regularly reviewing and analyzing this data is key—don’t overlook it.
How to Yield Good Results Using AI in Your Digital Ads
The possibilities are grand, right? You save time and money and increase your chances of success in digital marketing. Still, AI is AI, and marketers should exercise mindfulness when utilizing AI-powered tools. The breach of data privacy and unethical biases are just some of the apprehensions.
So, if you ever consider implementing digital ads with the help of AI, keep in mind these things:
Learn AI-Powered Tools In-Depth
Try to study its pros and cons, the benefits and the disadvantages it can have on your business, and what all these will mean to your customers. AI is an evolving technological piece, and its shine and shimmer should not blind you.
Do Not Fall Into the Trap of Manipulation

The means never justify the end, even if it means seeing sales conversion through creating digital ads with the help of AI during their implementation. Top things you can do to avoid this black hole: Be transparent about your use of AI and respect the data privacy of your potential customers. Remember: Even if you are a digital marketer, on the other side of the coin is you, who is a customer, and you don’t want to be blindsided by a business online just because you are interested in their product or service.
Do Not Leave It Without a Human Touch
Like a child bestowed with freedom, AI in digital marketing should not remain unwatched. See to it that the team just utilizes the advantages offered by AI and still leaves individuals in charge of how they want these to be used.
Help for Marketers Beyond AI in Digital Ads
Successfully and ethically deploying AI in digital marketing involves time and effort. But when you get the hang of it, you can start implementing digital ads that will give you excellent conversion numbers. Still, remember that making the most of what AI can do is just one facet of achieving success in digital marketing in the Philippines.
Schedule a free consultation with us, and see how your business can improve! Eight Media is a Philippine-based full-solution digital agency with a long line of clients who have seen success.