In a time when everything is ever-changing in the digital landscape, having the right tools can give you the leverage you need to win the online advertising game.
Digital marketing is an important cornerstone of a business model in the 21st century. With communities putting a premium on online shopping, marketers and even small businesses are now waking up to the importance of having a solid plan for online marketing strategies as well as the digital advertising technology to support it.
In this article, we will take a deep dive into the art and science of online advertising in the Philippines.
What is Digital Advertising Technology?

Also known as AdTech, this is a term used to refer to software and digital tools that online marketers use to plan, execute, and assess their campaigns.
In a time when selling and buying ads have become more sophisticated than ever, these tools help marketers optimize their processes and effectively manage their digital promotions. They also give paid ad specialists the capacity to better hit their ROI goals by giving them a comprehensive look at the performance of their campaigns.
Understanding the Digital Advertising Technology Landscape

Change, ironically, is probably the only thing that ever stays the same in the world of online advertising. This can be felt even more now, in a global market that has developed new shopping habits post-pandemic.
In a recent survey held by Quantcast, 600 media professionals and marketers identified three major trends that are expected to rise in digital advertising.
Brand awareness is the new king

While paid ads still retain their foothold in driving investment growth, campaigns that drive brand awareness are bound to be equally effective now as businesses shift to creating high-value and engaged audiences.
With the use of budgets changing drastically now, marketers need to be equipped with the right digital advertising technology that can help scale their efforts across a variety of platforms.
Outsourced experts are expected to fill in talent gaps
The COVID-19 pandemic has given birth to a whole new breed of consumers with new sets of needs and expectations. This opened a talent gap problem for marketing agencies that are investing in a new type of workforce equipped with new skills needed in today’s online advertising.
Outsourced experts can help fill in this gap, but the mastery of digital advertising technology can also equip a new blood of marketers with the skills they need to keep up with the times.
Digital solutions for a cookieless world

The shift to a cookie-free digital world is probably one of the biggest changes digital marketers had to face in the last decade. With online platforms being more proactive in protecting the data trails of their users, marketers are left to look for solutions that can make their strategies just as effective.
For the early adopters, this means advertising in cookieless environments—something that is challenging but can still be made tolerable with the help of data provided by digital advertising technology.
Digital Advertising Technology Types

So we’ve established that advertising tools are important in creating effective online advertising tools in the Philippines. The next thing we have to answer is: Which tools should you have for your business? Below we discuss them, one by one.
Data Management Platforms
This type of AdTech collects important data that can be used for advertising targeting. Examples of customer information mined by these tools are on-site and in-app behavior and customer engagement with ads.
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Demand Side Platforms
These platforms let advertisers submit their online creatives and buy impressions from several publishers in a single place.
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Ad Networks
Though not as popular as other AdTech tools, ad networks are actually an all-in-one platform that lets marketers buy ads, upload their materials, and run them. Tools falling under this category often have very targeted purposes and are used in specific types of advertising.
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Supply Side Platforms
Tools of this type give publishers access to a marketplace where they can get ad content. The way it works is that these platforms bid on the ad inventory on apps and publisher websites. The publisher will then display the ad sourced to them by the platform.
These tools are also the ones that transfer the revenue from the ad purchases to the publisher depending on the ad’s gained impression.
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Ad Mediation Partners
This is a type of AdTech that opens up centralized access to ad networks. Ad Mediation Partners focus on boosting cost per mille by choosing the best network that can be used on bids.
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Invest in the Right Digital Advertising Technology
The significance of online advertising in the Philippines should not be underestimated by enterprises, especially small businesses that can largely benefit from effective digital ads and online marketing strategies.
For a country with a population that is actively engaged with the internet, there’s no doubt that effective digital ads can greatly contribute to the success of a business. Digital advertising technology can help with this, especially in an era where data and reach serve as the bedrock of the success of online campaigns.
Need help in starting a comprehensive digital marketing strategy for your business? We’d love to help! Reach out to Eight Media and let’s talk.