
How to Deliver Excellent Customer Experience in the New Normal and Beyond

113020_How to Deliver Excellent Customer Experience in the New Normal and Beyond

The turbulent year that is 2020 is nearing its end, and most businesses have incurred a lot of losses in order to remain afloat in the new normal. It is important that local businesses urge the public to strengthen purchasing confidence that was shattered by uncertainty brought about by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, says finance secretary, Carlos C. Dominguez III in this article.

According to PricewaterhouseCoopers, 73% of customers cite the experience as an important factor in their purchasing decisions, behind the price and product quality. But what is customer experience exactly? Customer experience refers to how a business engages with its customers at every point of their purchasing journey—from marketing to sales to customer service and everywhere in between. In essence, it’s the sum total of all interactions a customer has with one’s brand.

Businesses need to be able to improve customer experience not only to win over prospective customers amid the pandemic but in the years to come. Given how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the market’s purchasing habits, it is essential for companies to recalibrate their strategies in order to keep up with the demands of today. Here are some ways businesses can deliver an excellent customer experience is the new normal and beyond:

1. Show some empathy

Businesses should display how they care about the welfare of others

The fact of the matter is that everyone has been affected by the pandemic one way or another, and it is important for companies to have an element of humanity or show some kindness in order to win over its audience. It is also essential for businesses to show how they’ve shifted their priorities and needs amid the pandemic, and display how they care about the welfare of others.  

Research has shown there is still a clear demand for advertising in the new normal, but there needs to be an element of empathy in the messaging of campaigns. People tend to patronize brands that demonstrate that they care not only about their customers but their workforce as well. As the author and motivational speaker, Simon Sinek once said, “people don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it and what you do simply proves what you believe.”

In addition to this, experts from Ipsos, one of the largest market research companies in the world, recommend for brands to provide compelling value to cautious customers while balancing digital touchpoints with a human touch. The market needs to understand why their purchase or service is valuable.

2. Be genuine

It is crucial for companies to understand their market through customer feedback.

It is crucial for companies to understand their market through customer feedback. Not only is it important to listen, but it is also equally essential for businesses to be honest in their response. The pandemic has posed a lot of challenges not only to the target audience but to business operations as well.

According to Forbes Magazine, fostering transparency in one’s business operations builds trust, and research has shown that 94% of consumers would be loyal to a transparent brand. This is because many consumers only want to support the companies they trust. Now more than ever, it is important that the market would realize that the business is a partner they can count on.

3. Be clear

Clarity, cohesiveness, and compassion are the three main things in effective communication

According to Reyner Villasenor, the chief corporate communication officer and vice president of fintech player GCash said effective communication during the ongoing national health crisis should have three key ingredients namely, clarity, cohesiveness, and compassion. In line with the ongoing pandemic, companies need to recalibrate their messaging through all consumer touchpoints in order to cater to the market’s demands and sensitivities.

The market should be given regular updates as the latest information regarding business operations. Companies should also demonstrate that they care deeply about their workforce and customers. Businesses have multiple channels in order to reach their target market, and they need to utilize these tools to provide a clear narrative in order to win over more hearts and share of consumer spending.

4. Make it simple

simplicity will be a relief and comfort especially during troubled times

Whatever service or product a company is offering, now more than ever, it is essential for it to be accessible and easy to use. The ongoing pandemic has caused a lot of stress and problems for everyone, and simplicity will be a relief and comfort. 

According to Harvard Business Review, rather than pulling customers into the fold, marketers are pushing them away with relentless and ill-conceived efforts to engage. That is why companies need to be able to make the journey simple for them by providing easy access to important information, providing attainable ways to avail of their products or services, and ensuring good customer support.

While the ongoing pandemic may have caused companies to adjust their targets and reallocate budget for business resilience, it is essential that they think of long term goals. Sacrifices have to be made along the way, but they are important in order to thrive and survive in the new normal.

That is why it is imperative for businesses to pivot alongside the current landscape in order to remain relevant. 

In line with this, it is important for businesses to utilize digital marketing tools that are data-driven. Through smart investment, companies would have a better understanding of their target audience. In turn, they stand to make more profit and have the possibility to grow their customer base amid the pandemic. That is why an expert marketing partner is crucial for businesses in the new normal. 

Eight Media helps brands and businesses transform digitally with digital marketing solutions

Eight Media is a group of marketing specialists that empower companies in order to maximize their digital marketing efforts. We can help you navigate the new normal and beyond through smart investment and research-backed tactics.


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