The platform(s) where your business can thrive need the right amount of optimized content for social media platforms.
While all social media platforms are there for businesses to utilize for their marketing efforts, a wiser move would be to pick the cream of the crop. This means the platform(s) where your business can thrive need the right amount of optimized content for social media platforms. After all, the effectiveness of social media marketing is highly dependent on being in the right place – with the right kind of content to propel you.
So, if you want to make a dent in the competitive landscape of digital marketing in the Philippines, you must know how to optimize your content accordingly.
The Power of Optimizing Content for Social Media Platforms
Producing just a single piece of content and resharing it across your other social media platforms would be truly time-efficient. However, it might not yield the kind of results that you want due to each platform’s eccentricities.
This is why content optimization with a specific nod to these platforms’ characteristics and features should be one of those social media marketing techniques a digital marketer must follow.
Content is not just there to be looked at – business content specifically is made to generate sales, no matter how they are presented. And so when you do your content right, you are one step closer to reaching your business goals.
Optimizing Your Content for the Top 3 Social Media Platforms in the Philippines
It might have been a running joke for quite some time about Filipinos being one of the top online populations in the world. Well, it’s got some truth to it: On average, most Filipinos spend at least 3 hours and 45 minutes per day scrolling through various social media platforms – making way for the Philippines to be considered among the top five (5) countries that spend the most time on social media.
Which platforms are on top in terms of user numbers?
Based on the data by Meltwater, Facebook reigns, followed by TikTok and Instagram.
One reason Facebook is on top is its free access, thanks to network partnerships, which allow even low-income users to frequent the platform. TikTok follows suit with its short video format that has taken people’s hearts. Instagram, meanwhile, holds its reputation due to its innate creativity, which is rooted in its nature as a photo-sharing channel.
These platforms have different types of users and inner workings. As a business owner, here’s what you can do to ensure the effectiveness of your social media marketing:
1. Identify Your Target Audience

Before anything else, you first have to pinpoint clearly who your products or services are. Then, funnel down which social media platforms they frequently use and go to them there.
What you want to figure out next is the kinds of content they are more likely to engage with. Do they want some sort of storytelling infused with an ad? Or do they want straightforward product-/service-oriented material?
Knowing your target market and their digital behavior will save you time and more likely give you nice results. While many engagements add up to excellent brand visibility, if you are not targeting the right people, it might not do much in sales conversion.
2. Know Each Platform’s Ins and Outs
Every platform has its unique world. It has its type of audience, this same audience’s content preferences, trends, inside jokes, and even the kind of interactions with brands and fellow users. While one piece of content could work on Facebook, it might not be as well-received when you put it up the same way on Instagram.
Yes, you can read insights about these things, but being a casual user of a specific platform helps more. When immersed enough, you can easily track what kind of content you naturally interact with and which ones you find somehow irksome.
Try to ask other people for their opinions and insights, too. Chances are, they have something to say that will give you a wider or more varied perspective, a welcome addition to what you have.
3. Take Note of What Strategies Have Been Working
Having an idea of how fellow businesses do their share of social media marketing would give you an idea of how to do yours. It lessens the series of trials and errors that would abound otherwise.
You can check out the most prominent social media pages for this, but best to exert more time in exploring the pages of who you can consider as competitors. Due to you sharing similar target groups of audiences and lines of products/services, you might glean more reliable insights on what can be considered effective social media marketing for your kind of business.
4. Be Open to Innovation

Even if you are already privy to the strategies that usually work and fail, muster up your creativity and feel free to experiment. At this point, simply use your discoveries as your starting point.
If you are ever afraid to take “marketing risks,” just answer this from a business owner’s perspective: How does social media marketing affect consumer behavior?
One way is by introducing things businesses want their consumers to enjoy. After all, users often only think they need something once they come across it online. If you can nail down the kind of content with the star power to reel in potential customers, it will be a win for you.
5. Set and Measure Key Metrics
You make it easier for yourself to do due content optimization when you have clear goals for every material from the get-go – is it to drive up your follower base? Engagement number? Or straight-up sales conversion?
This is primarily because you would know which sets of data to look at and, therefore, what to do next based on these – it could be to scrap that kind of content moving forward or simply make some kind of enhancements.
Take the extra mile and jot down these details to have a firsthand reference for your future materials.
Optimizing Content for Social Media Platforms Requires Consistency

By consistency, we mean consistent effort because content optimization is an ongoing process in the name of business success, what with the fast-paced world of digital marketing.
A tip from us: When reading about social media marketing techniques, see that you’re consuming something that works in the local landscape. Digital marketing in the Philippines differs from other countries, so you want to be at least sure about this.
Should optimizing content for your different social media platforms be too time-consuming for you at this point, just know that Digital Marketing Agencies like Eight Media can do the brunt of it for you. From conceptualization to execution and optimization, with enough successful campaigns to back us up, you can rely on us to launch the effectiveness of your business’s social media marketing in ways that matter. Consultation with us is free!